Orthopedic Surgery DHA Prometric DHA References Books :
1. Surgical Exposures in Orthopedics, Stanley Hoppenfeld, Piet DeBoer, Richard Buckley, Latest Edition, Wolters kluwer, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
2. Apley’s System of Orthopedics and Fractures, Louis Solomon, David Jwarwick, Selvadurai Nayagam, Latest Edition, Arnold.
3. Review of Orthopedics, Mark Miller, Mark Brinker, Latest Edition, W.B. Saunders Company.
4. Rockwood and Greens Fractures in Adults and in Children, Robert W Bucholz, James D Heckman, Charles M Court-Brown and Paul Tornetta, Latest Edition, Lippincott Company.
5. Campbell’s Operative Orthopedics, S. Terry Canale and James H, Beaty, Latest Edition, Mosby.